Friday, January 20, 2006

20.01.06. Some posting guidelines:

1. Before you dig in, if you are new to blogging, you may want to have a look at .

2. Since this is a team blog, you may want to check out

3. Editing help is available at

4. If you are not sure about how to stay on format, etc. at first, get in touch. We can do it together.

5. Bear in mind that our objective in the new Café is implementation, policy and practice – not history and not theory. We are dealing with a real emergency here, so sadly, perhaps, we are doomed to work with what we already know and what we have in hand.

6. Permissions/citations: While this is not a commercial venture, we still are in the public domain and so

7. Want to talk about it? Great idea. Either Skype me at ericbritton, or message me a number and good time to call.

8. Finally, I would like to propose our first ‘editorial conference’ next week. Using the Skype conference gizmo, we can be up to five. You can be brought in even if you are not on Skype. I suggest half an hour, perhaps later in the afternoon so that we can bring in both Old World Europeans and people from the New World. If interested let me know, including either your Skype number of normal phone number. I can then set up a schedule and short agenda.

I smile to think that this is going to have its uses.

Eric Britton


Blogger worldstreets said...

This is a sample comment.

Fri Jan 20, 06:11:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger worldstreets said...

Another test comment.

Sat Jan 21, 02:04:00 PM GMT+1  

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